Dec 30【每日活水】专心完成 SHEN 的吩咐



 17 第二年正月初一日,帐幕就立起来。
18 摩西立起帐幕,安上带卯的座,立上板,穿上闩,立起柱子。
19 在帐幕以上搭罩棚,把罩棚的顶盖盖在其上,是照耶/和/华所吩咐他的。
20 又把法版放在柜里,把杠穿在柜的两旁,把施恩座安在柜上。
21 把柜抬进帐幕,挂上遮掩柜的幔子,把法柜遮掩了,是照耶/和/华所吩咐他的。
22 又把桌子安在会幕内,在帐幕北边,在幔子外。
23 在桌子上将饼陈设在耶/和/华面前,是照耶/和/华所吩咐他的。
24 又把灯台安在会幕内,在帐幕南边,与桌子相对,
25 在耶/和/华面前点灯,是照耶/和/华所吩咐他的。
26 把金坛安在会幕内的幔子前,
27 在坛上烧了馨香料做的香,是照耶/和/华所吩咐他的。
28 又挂上帐幕的门帘。
29 在会幕的帐幕门前,安设燔祭坛,把燔祭和素祭献在其上,是照耶/和/华所吩咐他的。
30 把洗濯盆安在会幕和坛的中间,盆中盛水,以便洗濯。
31 摩西和亚伦并亚伦的儿子在这盆里洗手洗脚。
32 他们进会幕或就近坛的时候,便都洗濯,是照耶/和/华所吩咐他的。
33 在帐幕和坛的四围立了院帷,把院子的门帘挂上。这样,摩西就完了工。
17 So the tabernacle was set up on the first day of the first month in the second year.
18 When Moses set up the tabernacle, he put the bases in place, erected the frames, inserted the crossbars and set up the posts.
19 Then he spread the tent over the tabernacle and put the covering over the tent, as the Lord commanded him.
20 He took the tablets of the covenant law and placed them in the ark, attached the poles to the ark and put the atonement cover over it.
21 Then he brought the ark into the tabernacle and hung the shielding curtain and shielded the ark of the covenant law, as the Lord commanded him.
22 Moses placed the table in the tent of meeting on the north side of the tabernacle outside the curtain
23 and set out the bread on it before the Lord, as the Lord commanded him.
24 He placed the lampstand in the tent of meeting opposite the table on the south side of the tabernacle
25 and set up the lamps before the Lord, as the Lord commanded him.
26 Moses placed the gold altar in the tent of meeting in front of the curtain
27 and burned fragrant incense on it, as the Lord commanded him.
28 Then he put up the curtain at the entrance to the tabernacle.
29 He set the altar of burnt offering near the entrance to the tabernacle, the tent of meeting, and offered on it burnt offerings and grain offerings, as the Lord commanded him.
30 He placed the basin between the tent of meeting and the altar and put water in it for washing,
31 and Moses and Aaron and his sons used it to wash their hands and feet.
32 They washed whenever they entered the tent of meeting or approached the altar, as the Lord commanded Moses.
33 Then Moses set up the courtyard around the tabernacle and altar and put up the curtain at the entrance to the courtyard. And so Moses finished the work.


1.摩西如何执行设立会幕的事?(19,21,23 节)

2. 设立会幕的最后一项工作是什么?(33 节)




3.摩西能够彻底照着 SHEN 的吩咐建造会幕的原因是什么?


4. 看到摩西自始至终都顺从 SHEN 的吩咐建造会幕,我有什么感想?


5. 我何时曾没能完成主所交托的事工?

6. 为了彻底执行主的吩咐,使所做的事荣耀 SHEN ,我决定要怎么做?

是照着耶/和/华所吩咐他的(19,21,23,25,27,29,32节):强调摩西在每一件事上,都是完全照着 SHEN 的吩咐去做。


SHEN 吩咐摩西和以色列人建造会幕,并指示他们制造器具的方法及摆放位置。摩西彻底照着 SHEN 的吩咐和指示(19,21,23,25,27,29,32节),完成了会幕的一切工程(33节)。摩西之所以能够彻底执行 SHEN 的吩咐,是因为他清楚知道 SHEN 是以色列的主。因为是主所交托的事工,于是摩西和百姓自始至终都顺从且专注地完成。 SHEN 的百姓应当带着责任感和使/命感顺从 SHEN 的命令,并专注到底。 SHEN 透过旷野生活教导百姓如何顺从 TA 的心意,借此让他们明白在 SHEN 的事上专心是何等的重要和宝贵,盼望我们顺从 SHEN 的命令,在 SHEN 所交托的事上专注到底,作讨 SHEN 喜悦的百姓。


愿我在 SHEN 所交托的事上专注到底,活出忠心仆人的样式。


版权声明| 每日灵/修内容是源自灵/修书刊《每日活水》,版权归于书刊所有。