路加fu yin9:57~62
要跟从 YS 的人
57 他们走路的时候,有一人对 YS 说:「你无论往哪里去,我要跟从你。」
58 YS 说:「狐狸有洞,天空的飞鸟有窝,只是人子没有枕头的地方。」
60 YS 说:「任凭死人埋葬他们的死人,你只管去传扬 SHEN /国的道。」
61 又有一人说:「主,我要跟从你,但容我先去辞别我家里的人。」
62 YS 说:「手扶着犁向后看的,不配进 SHEN 的国。」
The Cost of Following Jesus
57 As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.”
58 Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”
59 He said to another man, “Follow me.” But he replied, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”
60 Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”
61 Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.”
62 Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”
1. YS 如何回答那个想要先回去埋葬父亲的人?(60节)
2. YS 对那个想要先去辞别家人的人说了什么?(62节)
5.我目前仍有哪些地方无法全然委/身 YS ?
6. 作为 YS 的MEN TU,为了全然委/身,一心跟随,我决定要怎么做?
让死人埋葬他们的死人(60节):这里的死人指的是不跟随 YS ,在属/灵上死亡的人,他们认为世俗的传统比跟随 YS 更重要。
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