Oct 07【每/日/活/水】仰望 SHEN 的医治和赐福


以赛亚书30: 19~26

SHEN 要赐福给他的子民
19 百姓必在锡安、在耶路撒冷居住;你不再哭泣。主必因你哀求的声音施恩给你;他听见的时候就必应允你。
20 主虽然以艰难给你当饼,以困苦给你当水,你的教师却不再隐藏;你眼必看见你的教师。
21 你或向左或向右,你必听见后边有声音说:「这是正路,要行在其间。」
22 你雕刻偶像所包的银子和铸造偶像所镀的金子,你要玷污,要抛弃,好像污秽之物,对偶像说:「去吧!」
23 你将种子撒在地里,主必降雨在其上,并使地所出的粮肥美丰盛。到那时,你的牲畜必在宽阔的草场吃草。
24 耕地的牛和驴驹必吃加盐的料;这料是用木杴和杈子扬净的。
25 在大行杀戮的日子,高台倒塌的时候,各高山冈陵必有川流河涌。
26 当耶/和/华缠裹他百姓的损处,医治他民鞭伤的日子,月光必像日光,日光必加七倍,像七日的光一样。

19 People of Zion, who live in Jerusalem, you will weep no more. How gracious he will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears, he will answer you.
20 Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them.
21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
22 Then you will desecrate your idols overlaid with silver and your images covered with gold; you will throw them away like a menstrual cloth and say to them, “Away with you!”
23 He will also send you rain for the seed you sow in the ground, and the food that comes from the land will be rich and plentiful. In that day your cattle will graze in broad meadows.
24 The oxen and donkeys that work the soil will eat fodder and mash, spread out with fork and shovel.
25 In the day of great slaughter, when the towers fall, streams of water will flow on every high mountain and every lofty hill.
26 The moon will shine like the sun, and the sunlight will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven full days, when the Lord binds up the bruises of his people and heals the wounds he inflicted.


1. SHEN 会如何回应等候 TA 并向 TA 呼求的百姓?(19~21节)

2.向 SHEN 悔改的百姓将如何对待偶像?(22节)




3. SHEN 既然要恢复 TA 的百姓和大自然,又为何让他们经历困苦和缺乏?


4.看到 SHEN 医治等候 TA 并向 TA 悔改的百姓,赐下全然医治的福分,我有什么感想?


5. 我何时曾爱慕福分超过爱慕赐福的 SHEN ?

6. 为了借着悔改,仰望 SHEN 的医治和赐福,我决定要怎么做?

教师(20节):指 SHEN 。
有声音(21节):指 SHEN 带领 TA 百姓的声音。


以赛亚讲到等候 SHEN 的人将要领受 SHEN 的赐福。到那日, SHEN 要包扎 TA 百姓的伤口,医治他们的伤痕。首先,等候 SHEN 的人,他们的dao告将蒙 SHEN 应允(19节), SHEN 要因他们哀求的声音而施恩给他们。接着, SHEN 要作他们的教师, TA 虽曾以艰难困苦给他们当饼和水,但绝不撇下他们,必要引导他们走正路(20~21节),使他们抛弃根深蒂固的拜偶像恶习(22节)。再来,他们所种的粮食将肥美丰盛(23节),他们的牲畜也必在辽阔的草场吃草(24节)。还有,大自然将得着恢复,高山峻岭必有川河涌流(25节)。在那日,黑暗将消失,光明将照耀世界(26节)。盼望我们今天也能仰望并得着 SHEN 的医治和赐福。


愿我遇见为我包扎伤口、医治我伤痕的 SHEN ,得享从 SHEN 而来的丰盛赐福。


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