Dec 20【每日活水】与主连结,照亮世界



17 他用精金做一个灯台;这灯台的座和干,与杯、球、花,都是接连一块锤出来的。 
18 灯台两旁杈出六个枝子:这旁三个,那旁三个。
19 这旁每枝上有三个杯,形状像杏花,有球有花;那旁每枝上也有三个杯,形状像杏花,有球有花。从灯台杈出来的六个枝子都是如此。 
20 灯台上有四个杯,形状像杏花,有球有花。 
21 灯台每两个枝子以下有球,与枝子接连一块;灯台杈出的六个枝子都是如此。 
22 球和枝子是接连一块,都是一块精金锤出来的。 
23 用精金做灯台的七个灯盏,并灯台的蜡剪和蜡花盘。 
24 他用精金一他连得做灯台和灯台的一切器具。
25 他用皂荚木做香坛,是四方的,长一肘,宽一肘,高二肘,坛的四角与坛接连一块; 
26 又用精金把坛的上面与坛的四面并坛的四角包裹,又在坛的四围镶上金牙边。 
27 做两个金环,安在牙子边以下,在坛的两旁、两根横撑上,作为穿杠的用处,以便抬坛。 
28 用皂荚木做杠,用金包裹。
29 又按做香之法做圣膏油和馨香料的净香。
The Lampstand
17 They made the lampstand of pure gold. They hammered out its base and shaft, and made its flowerlike cups, buds and blossoms of one piece with them. 
18 Six branches extended from the sides of the lampstand—three on one side and three on the other. 
19 Three cups shaped like almond flowers with buds and blossoms were on one branch, three on the next branch and the same for all six branches extending from the lampstand. 
20 And on the lampstand were four cups shaped like almond flowers with buds and blossoms.
21 One bud was under the first pair of branches extending from the lampstand, a second bud under the second pair, and a third bud under the third pair—six branches in all. 
22 The buds and the branches were all of one piece with the lampstand, hammered out of pure gold.
23 They made its seven lamps, as well as its wick trimmers and trays, of pure gold. 
24 They made the lampstand and all its accessories from one talent of pure gold.
The Altar of Incense
25 They made the altar of incense out of acacia wood. It was square, a cubit long and a cubit wide and two cubits high—its horns of one piece with it. 
26 They overlaid the top and all the sides and the horns with pure gold, and made a gold molding around it. 
27 They made two gold rings below the molding—two on each of the opposite sides—to hold the poles used to carry it. 
28 They made the poles of acacia wood and overlaid them with gold.
29 They also made the sacred anointing oil and the pure, fragrant incense—the work of a perfumer.


1. 照亮会幕的灯台有几根枝子?(18节)

2. 灯台的组成像是什么?(19节)




3. SHEN 为什么用杏花和枝子的样式来制作灯台?


4. 灯台的各个部分彼此接连,以致照亮四周,对此我有什么感想?


5. 我何时曾没能活出与主连结的样式?

6. 为了与主连结以致照亮世界,我决定要怎么做?

灯剪和灯盘 (23 节):“灯剪”是用来剪除已烧尽灯芯的工具,“灯盘”是用来盛装剪下的灯芯、灰烬和残渣的容器。
出27:20~21 “你要吩咐以色列人,把捣成的纯橄榄油拿来给你,用以点灯,使灯经常点着;在会幕中法柜前的幔子外,亚伦和他的儿子要从晚上到早晨,在耶/和/华面前照管这灯。这要成为以色列人世世代代永远的定例。
约15:5 “我就是葡萄树,你们是枝子。常在我里面的,我也常在他里面,这人就多结果子,因为离了我,你们就不能做什么。


会幕没有窗户,其唯一的光源就是灯台的烛光,因此祭司需要时时照管灯台,保持灯火不灭(参出27:20~21)。灯台用纯金制成,以主干为中心,两旁各有三根枝子,每根枝子上都有像是杏花形状的杯、花及花瓣(17~19节)。杏花在 Bible 中有“尊贵”和“富饶”之意,亚伦手中那根发芽的杖也是取自杏树。灯台象征的是新约的 YS 和 JH , YS 也说 TA 是葡萄树,MEN TU是枝子(参约15:5)。灯台上的枝子所结的果子就是光, YS 也说 TA 是光,在里面的也将成为光。我们唯有常在主里面,才能成为照亮世界的光。盼望我们默想主所活出的光明,成为光明的儿女,时刻与 TA 连结,以 TA 的光来照亮世界。




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