Feb27【每日活水】敬畏 SHEN ,听 SHEN 的话

撒母耳记上 6:17~7:2

17 非利士人献给耶/和/华作赔罪的金痔疮像,就是这些:一个是为亚实突,一个是为迦萨,一个是为亚实基伦,一个是为迦特,一个是为以革伦。
18 金老鼠的数目是照非利士五个首领的城邑,就是坚固的城邑和乡村,以及大磐石。这磐石是放耶/和/华约柜的,到今日还在伯‧示麦人约书亚的田间。
19 耶/和/华因伯‧示麦人擅观他的约柜,就击杀了他们七十人;那时有五万人在那里。百姓因耶/和/华大大击杀他们,就哀哭了。
20 伯‧示麦人说:“谁能在耶/和/华这圣洁的  SHEN 面前侍立呢?这约柜可以从我们这里送到谁那里去呢?”
21 于是打发人去见基列‧耶琳的居民,说:“非利士人将耶/和/华的约柜送回来了,你们下来将约柜接到你们那里去吧!”
1 基列‧耶琳人就下来,将耶/和/华的约柜接上去,放在山上亚比拿达的家中,分派他儿子以利亚撒看守耶/和/华的约柜。
2 约柜在基列‧耶琳许久。过了二十年,以色列全家都倾向耶/和/华。
17 These are the gold tumors the Philistines sent as a guilt offering to the Lord—one each for Ashdod, Gaza, Ashkelon, Gath and Ekron.
18 And the number of the gold rats was according to the number of Philistine towns belonging to the five rulers—the fortified towns with their country villages. The large rock on which the Levites set the ark of the Lord is a witness to this day in the field of Joshua of Beth Shemesh.
19 But God struck down some of the inhabitants of Beth Shemesh, putting seventy of them to death because they looked into the ark of the Lord. The people mourned because of the heavy blow the Lord had dealt them.
20 And the people of Beth Shemesh asked, “Who can stand in the presence of the LORD , this holy God? To whom will the ark go up from here?”
21 Then they sent messengers to the people of Kiriath Jearim, saying, “The Philistines have returned the ark of the LORD . Come down and take it up to your town.”
1 So the men of Kiriath Jearim came and took up the ark of the LORD . They brought it to Abinadab’s house on the hill and consecrated Eleazar his son to guard the ark of the LORD .
2 The ark remained at Kiriath Jearim a long time—twenty years in all. Then all the people of Israel turned back to the LORD.


1.伯‧示麦人观看 SHEN 的约柜,导致什么结果?(6:19)
2.基列‧耶琳人如何迎接 SHEN 的约柜?(7:1)



3. SHEN 为什么因为伯‧示麦人观看 SHEN 的约柜而击杀他们?(参利16:2;书3:3)


4.看到伯‧示麦人因亵渎约柜而得罪 SHEN ,我有什么感想?


5.我何时曾因没有听从 SHEN 的话而陷人困境?
6.为了倾听 SHEN 的话,过顺从的生活,我决定要怎么做?
因为他们观看他的约柜(6:19):伯‧示麦人很可能打开约柜往里观看,而这明显违反摩西律/法的规定,是对 SHEN 约柜的亵渎。
利16:2  “耶/和/华对摩西说:‘你要吩咐你哥哥亚伦,不可随时进入圣所的幔子内、到柜盖前,免得他死亡,因为我在柜盖上的云中显现。’ ”
书3:3  “吩咐百姓说:‘当你们看见利未家的祭司抬着耶/和/华–你们 SHEN 的约柜的时候,你们就要起行离开所住的地方,跟着约柜走。’ ”


非利士人对 SHEN 的约柜感到恐惧,决定要将约柜和赎罪的礼物一起归还给以色列人,约柜因此来到了伯‧示麦(6:17~18)。然而,当约柜在伯‧示麦时,有人用手摸了约柜并打开往里观看,这明显违反律/法的规定。摩西律/法规定, SHEN 的约柜不能直接用手触摸,并且只能由利未家的祭司扛抬,而伯‧示麦人没有遵照这样的规定,用不敬虔的行为得罪 SHEN ,以致他们之中有七十人遭 SHEN 击杀。之后,伯示‧麦人请基列‧耶琳的人来将 SHEN 的约柜接去,他们就将约柜带到亚比拿达的家中,让以利亚撒分别为圣来看守 SHEN 的约柜。像这样,信/徒应该倾听 SHEN 的话,使自己分别为圣,持守敬畏 SHEN 的心。不要忘记,若我们不倾听 SHEN 的话, SHEN 的震怒就会临到我们。


求 SHEN 帮助我时刻倾听主的话,以圣洁和敬畏之心来到 SHEN 的面前。


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